The Platform – iasqu in four easy pieces


The Engine is a cloud-based, high-availability service that provides question data, keeps current feeds up to date, collects responses, analyzes responses, and provides insight on those answers.


Iasqu supports many kinds of questions: Yes/No, Sliding Scale, Opinion Over Time, Multiple Choice, and more. Questions can be linked to a person, item, campaign, or event, and triggered to appear on specific conditions.


Our API is a robust interface for asking, embedding, triggering, and monitoring questions — all Engine functions are available for developers to incorporate their own designs. An SDK allows embedding of iasqu feeds into native apps.


Iasqu isn’t an app. It’s a platform that lives inside your ecosystem, under your brand, as a white label service. Combine it with your app, streaming services, retail outlets — anywhere you need a smart widget to pop the question to your customers.